Tag: life

  • Path of Least Resistance

    Path of Least Resistance

    Path of least resistance free of judgement and criticism guarenteeing jealousy and resentment. Life can have a snowballing effect take control of your health and finances.

  • Getting/Staying Motivated

    Getting/Staying Motivated

    Getting inspired is different for everyone, what inspires me might not even interest you. For me, inspiration comes from engaging in new music, new reading materials or personal achievements. Taking part in my personal development journey my physical and mental growth is its own reward. Being motivated and staying determined is never easy but can…

  • Being Healthy

    Being Healthy

    Is exercising really worth being healthy? How much exercising is necessary to “be healthy”? What other opportunities come with being healthy? How do I start? these are the questions I’ll be answering in this article. A lot of people associate being healthy with being rich or having money. Having money or being rich isn’t really…

  • Understanding Laughter

    Understanding Laughter

    Laughter has become a natural instinct; the blind, deaf, even some infants laugh before they are 2 months old. It is more common we laugh in social settings than when we’re alone. Even laughing gas loses it’s “oomph” when taken in solitude. Men claim to chuckle and women claim to giggle yet most laughter isn’t…

  • Almost Famous; The Celebrity Influence

    Almost Famous; The Celebrity Influence

    We all have different ideas of how we would like to retire but not all of us live in a way that we will be able to do so. The way we consume day-to-day takes a toll both on our health and our overall financial status. We live in a day of age where wealth…

  • Breaking Illusions & Finding Strength

    Breaking Illusions & Finding Strength

    Why are we concerned with everything that hasn’t happened yet? We are worried about circumstances and situations that haven’t and may not ever take effect. Why is depression and anxiety becoming so common? With constant overthinking we are constantly focused on the “what ifs” and the “unlimited possibilities” that our fear imposes rather than focusing…

  • Finding Meaning in Suffering

    Finding Meaning in Suffering

    Life’s a roller-coaster especially for individuals who have trouble stabilizing their emotions such as myself. I have been told many times that I am an intense individual in terms of my emotions. But why do people feel that way? As an individual I have suffered lots… many times due to my own choosing. My belief…